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Showing posts from 2021

New Personal Website

Hello World, hello my blog again. I have good news, finally, I created my website , I do not know exactly what is the main goal for that and how it will be updated. Now I want to sync my current posts from the blogger platform and personal website, it can be easily done by using the `Blogger API` with some extra requirements which I want to have.   Especially,   - able to show/hide the post separately from blogger (1)   - use custom posts order (2)   - add some extra information besides tags (3)    For instance, technology stack, team size, etc. - add a possibility to use any 3rd party code highlighter instead of post-computed HTML from blogger (4) I think that the 4 the most required and nice feature - able to sync manually, or use cron for syncing with blogger (5)   There is some initial schema of my application   This is a pretty simple solution: two go services, one for fetching data, checking referential integr...